Friday, May 31, 2019
Essay on Jake Barns as a Code Hero in Ernest Hemingways The Sun Also Rises :: Hemingway Sun Also Rises Essays
Jake Barns as a label Hero in The Sun Also Rises   Ernest Hemingway is a renowned American author of the twentieth century who centers his novels on personal experiences and affections. He is one of the authors named "The Lost Generation." He could not cope with post-war America, and therefore he introduced a new type of lineament in writing called the "code hero". Hemingway is known to focus his novels around code heroes who struggle with the mixture of their tragic faults and the surrounding environment. Traits of a typical Hemingway inscribe Hero are a love of good times, stimulating surroundings, and strict moral rules, including honesty. The Code Hero always exhibits some form of a visible wound that serves as his tragic flaw and the weakness of his character. In Ernest Hemingways The Sun Also Rises Jake Barnes is the character who maintains the typical Code Hero qualities while Robert Cohn provides the antithesis of a Code Hero. Jake Barnes, the narrator and main character of The Sun Also Rises, is left impotent by an ambiguous accident during World War I. Jakes wound is the first of umteen code hero traits that he features. This physical wound, however, transcends into an emotional one by preventing Jake from ever consummating his love with Lady Brett Ashley. Emotional suffering can take its doorbell on the Code Hero as it did with Jake Barnes. Despite the deep love between Jake and Lady Brett, Jake is forced to keep the relationship strictly platonic and erect watch as different men float in and out of Lady Ashleys life and bed. No one other than Jake and Brett ever learn the complexity of their relationship because Jakes hopeless love for Brett and the agony it entails are restricted to scenes known to themselves alone. Therefore, Jake suffers in silence because he has learned to trust and rely only upon himself, which is conducive to the Hemingway Code as well. Jake is an American who travels to Europe to satiate his appetite for exotic landscapes and to escape his pain. Jake tries to live his life to the fullest with drinking, partying, and sporting with friends. With these pastimes, Jake hopes to hide from his fault and get on with the life he has been made to suffer. Watching and participating in sports help accentuate the Code Heros masculinity and provide the sense of pride Jake has lost.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Murder Of Roger Ackroyd Essay examples -- Essays Papers
The Murder Of Roger AckroydDr James Sheppard lived together with his sister Caroline in Kings Abbot, a small village. He was a great doctor and when somebody died he looked to see what had happened.Mrs Ferras died on the night of the 16th - 17th September. Dr Sheppard hatch there. After he had analysed the body he drove home again where he talked about the death of Mrs Ferras with his sister. Caroline pretended to know e trulything about the death. She thought Mrs Ferras had killed herself because she had killed her husband last year.That day Dr Sheppard met Roger Ackroyd, a bang-up friend of his, by chance. Roger invited Dr Sheppard to his house at 7.30. He also told Dr Sheppard that it was very important. That evening Roger told James that Ralph Paton, his nephew, was in London. But James had seen Ralph this afternoon. When Roger heard that, he was very angry and pretended that he didnt know that.The next morning Caroline told him that she had seen Ralph Paton with Flora Ackroyd. They had been walking together. Dr Sheppard went into the garden. Minutes later pumpkins flew past his ears and a face looked all over the fence. After the new man had excused himself he introduced himself. His name was Hercule Poirot, the new neighbour.When James walked into his house again Caroline told him that she had heard that Ralph Paton had said to a daughter Mr Ackroyd had to die.Then James walked to Rogers house. When Dr Sheppard entered Ackroyds house on this day he heard ...
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Color Purple Essay -- essays research papers fc
The Results of Celies Physical and Mental AbuseIn 1982 Alice Walker titled her Pulitzer Prize Winning novel, The Color Purple, which is symbolically meant to reflect refulgence and majesty (capital of South Carolina). It is a story, entirely conveyed through letters, of one young black girls struggle to escape the brutal and degrading treatment by men, which had become a constant part of her life. Instead of focusing on race throughout the novel Walker accords greater importance to power, the power to be, to narrow ones self, as to mold others (Dieke 102). This completely unbalanced power ultimately leaves Celie feeling alone and controlled, which affects her relationships with men and influences her relationship with women, mainly Shug Avery. The horrifying do of rape and what Celie thought was incest so greatly scarred her for the rest of her life that she lost the ability to love, became confused about her sexuality, and subconsciously denied her right to an identity. For a ex tensive amount of time Celie blindly accepted the fact that she would be treated like a slave in her own home. As a result, Celie show intense fear and a complete lack of love toward her husband. Because Mr. _____ had originally wanted to marry Celies older sister Nettie he felt that in settling for Celie he had the right to treat her as his property. Celie was completely aware of these arrangements Mr. _____ marry me to take care of his children. I marry him cause my daddy do me. I dont love Mr. _____ and he dont love me (Walker 57). As opposed to most marriages being based on trust, love, and commitment, their cohere was based on authority, obedience, and service. Mr. _____ immediately brings Shug Avery into his home when he heard that she was sick so that Celie could take care of her along with his children from a previous marriage. After a short period of time Celie learns about their past and about Mr. _____s current feelings for Shug. Celies blatant disregard to Mr. _____ sl eeping with Shug again displays complete sluggishness toward her husband. Mr. _____s aggressively dominant role does not denote the conventional husband/wife relationship it seems to more closely represent a predominate/slave relationship. Mr. _____s constant oppressive presence causes Celie to live in continuous fear. Celie explains that M... ...novel Celies traumatic experiences have had a great impact on the entirety of her life. Once married she constantly lived in fear being incapable of love and unable to control her misguided sexual emotions.BibliographyBradley, David. Novelist Alice Walker verbalise the Black Womans Story. New York Times Magazine 8 Jan. 1984 24-37.Dieke, Ikenna. Critical Essays on Alice Walker. Westport Greenwood defend,1999.Gates, Henry Louis Jr. and K.A. Appiah. Alice Walker Critical Perspectives Past and Present. NewYork Amistad Press Inc, 1993.http//www.Womenshistroy.about.comRace and Domesticity in The Color Purple African American Review 29 1 Spri ng 199567-82.The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition Copyright 2001 Columbia University Press.Walker, Alice. The Color Purple. Orlando Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers 1982.Walsh, Margaret. The Enchanted World of the Color Purple. Southern Quarterly 25 (1987) 89-101.
Monument backers go to court :: essays research papers
MONTGOMERY, Ala., Aug. 25 About 100 demonstrators prayed outside the Alabama Judicial Building on Monday as attorneys went to court to stop a federal judges order to remove a 5,300-pound st maven representation of the Ten Commandments from the buildings rotunda. ATTORNEYS for a Christian talk show boniface and a pastor asked U.S. District Judge William Steele for an injunction to block the monuments removal, arguing that taking it away would violate the constitutional guarantee of independence of religion.The action named as defendants the eight associate justices of the state Supreme Court, who last week overruled Chief Justice Roy Moore and directed that the federal court order be followed, utter one of the attorneys, Jim Zeigler.Steele who was the first judge to order that the monument be removed scheduled a hearing for Wednesday.Minutes after the lawsuit was announced, police force blocked off the front of the building with metal barricades. The buildings superintendent, Graham George, said they were erected to prevent protesters from leaning dangerously against the large windows and glass doors, where they make up gathered for the last week.Many of the monument supporters spent the night in sleeping bags on a plaza outside the building and nearby steps, and one scaled latticework on the side of the building and spent the night on a ledge. The unidentified man climbed down after daybreak.Demonstrators have said they know the monument, installed two years ago by Moore, could be moved Monday or Tuesday.Federal courts have held that the monument violates the U.S. Constitutions ban on government promotion of a religious doctrine.Moore, who contends that it is his duty to acknowledge paragon in the public rotunda of the Judicial Building, was suspended last week by a state judicial ethics panel for disobeying the order by U.S. District Judge Myron Thompson to move the monument. Moore told supporters at the Judicial Building that he would fight to adv ance the monument in the rotunda even though he had been suspended. He has pledged to argue his case to the U.S. Supreme Court I have acknowledged God as the moral foundation of our law. Its my duty, Moore said. Should I keep back my opinions at such a time as this in fear of boastful offense? I should consider myself guilty of treason and of an act of disloyalty toward the majesty of heaven. Whenever workers come to remove the monument, supporters of Moore intend to keep it from going anywhere by fix hands and dropping to their knees.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Essay --
The younger generation now is quite sensitive to issues regarding their physical characteristics. Issues such as ones body weight have been of stark concern. School administrators are worried that students might neglect their health hence, an inquiry into the common alimentation habits is accomplished. Employing the case study paradigm this quantitative study is centre on understanding the factors influencing the students eating habits. A total of 207 students of a technical vocational university in Taiwan participated in the study. Survey includes common eating habits more(prenominal) specifically on the types and frequency of the food the students eat. The expectant Five Personality Scale is also administered to further understand the factors affecting the students eating habits. Results show that the students eating habits are affected by their various background demographics, such as gender, year level, study session, and personality. More importantly, results also show that the Applied Foreign delivery students scored highest on the personality trait openness. Further additional implications on the Big Five Personality are also given. In sum, the current study provides the hazard of opening up discussions explaining perhaps not in whole, but in part why students act the way they are today.1. IntroductionIn new-made years, the public in general have been valuing superficial appearance more and more each day. As we read from the new, the number of people undergoing plastic performance is at the all-time high. Beauty products have been getting better sales, even during these hard economic times 1. It seems that people cares so much on their outward appearance than their budget.In an educational setting, many have wondered why students... ... signifies that when the frequency for eating dessert increases, Conscientiousness decreases.5. ConclusionThe current study exemplifies the use of the Big Five Personality scale to understand EFL stude nts eating habits. This case study, though limited to the sample coming from a science and technology university, shows that students are more geared towards healthy lifestyles. As shown in the results that the frequency for eating breakfast is quite high (five times a week). Furthermore, students who are more Conscientious forbear from eating desserts (sweets). While eating out is much dependent on their employment status. In sum, individuals eating habits would be much related to their background demographics. Hence, it is recommended that students should jazz the consequences of both good and bad eating habits for ultimately, you are what and how you eat.
Essay --
The younger generation now is quite sensitive to issues regarding their physical char toyeristics. Issues such as ones body weight have been of serious concern. School administrators argon worried that students might neglect their health hence, an inquiry into the common ingest habits is accomplished. Employing the vitrine study paradigm this quantitative study is focus on understanding the factors influencing the students eating habits. A total of 207 students of a technical vocational university in chinaware participated in the study. Survey includes common eating habits more specifically on the types and frequency of the food the students eat. The Big Five Personality Scale is also administered to notwithstanding understand the factors affecting the students eating habits. Results show that the students eating habits are affected by their various background demographics, such as gender, year level, study session, and personality. more than importantly, results also show that the Applied Foreign Language students scored highest on the personality trait openness. Further additional implications on the Big Five Personality are also given. In sum, the current study provides the opportunity of opening up discussions explaining perhaps not in whole, but in part why students act the way they are today.1. IntroductionIn recent years, the public in general have been valuing outward appearance more and more each day. As we read from the new, the number of people undergoing plastic surgery is at the all-time high. Beauty products have been getting better sales, even during these hard economic measure 1. It seems that people cares so much on their outward appearance than their budget.In an educational setting, many have wondered why students... ... signifies that when the frequency for eating dessert increases, painstakingness decreases.5. ConclusionThe current study exemplifies the use of the Big Five Personality scale to understand EFL students eatin g habits. This case study, though limited to the sample glide path from a science and technology university, shows that students are more geared towards healthy lifestyles. As shown in the results that the frequency for eating breakfast is quite high (five times a week). Furthermore, students who are more Conscientious refrain from eating desserts (sweets). While eating out is much dependent on their employment status. In sum, individuals eating habits would be much related to their background demographics. Hence, it is recommended that students should know the consequences of both good and bad eating habits for ultimately, you are what and how you eat.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Analyse the cash flow problems a business might experience Essay
In this assignment I will be analysing that a occupation might experience if their gross revenue figures turn unwrap to be scorn than the ones that they hire expected or predicted. 1.1 enigmas of cash range forecastProblem 1Cash flow forecasts ar something re on the wholey important for a furrow and something that is a part of a business plan. A cash flow forecast is a plan for the future it will tell you whenever the costs be going to be raised over the class. It can also tell you what the business revenue is going to be and what the business performance for the following year is. Problem 2From what I can see on Rickys cash flow is that he is relying on that one loan which is his capital that he begins with too and that is 17,500 from the first month which is January. Bank loans atomic number 18 great for starting a business but that does non mean that they can not let you down in this case a bank loan can fail Rick beca handling if the bank loan gets delayed or no prot racted available then this is a big problem for Rick because he cannot do anything best representation to explain this would be he would not be able to pay for the truck which is 20,000 and not only the truck that would not be paid for but the sales cost would not be covered. His occur payments only for the beginning of year which is the month January his total payments are 22,475 with this type of problems or should I say impacts that can happen in that respect is no way that his business would survive.Problem 3Another critical problem that can occur from that cash flow is if the sales figure is lower than the actual sales figure. For example the sales figure that has been predicted by Ricky is 60,000 but lets say that he actually gets 40,000 as his total figure for his sales. This is a study problem simply because what he as predicted to get for his sales has not been met and 40,000 worth of sales would not be enough to keep his business ladder regularly. Costs for everything would not be covered just because of this problem which again is very crucial for the business and of course passwould occur there is no way that Rick would make any profit due to this problem. In addition the business would have to start the new month with a loss and again this is just because the total sales are low this would yet again mean that he cannot cover the costs for that month and he would have a greater loss that he would not allow him to recover fast enough for the abutting month in order for his business to be still up and working.Problem 4Looking at Ricks cash flow forecast I can see that there can be another problem that can occur and this problem is to do with his expenses and that is if his expenses turn out to be lower to what the actual expenses appear to be this can cause him not only a problem but a failure to his business because his expenses are 71,750 and lets say for example they actually get under ones skin out to be 81,950 this is where the big probl em will occur because his expenses are higher and this would lead to Rick not being able to cover for the next year. Plus if the expenses go up in any month of the year this would decrease the chance of Rick gaining any type of profit and the balance would be different for the next month by all means this would affect the profit and balance within the business. 1.2 recommendations and dissolvers to the problemsSolution to problem 1Possible solution that Rick has for his bank loan problems is that he can either make sure to use his own savings that he has saved through out the years and thats if he has saved any money in his savings account but probably the best and I would say close to common way to get the money you need is if you ask friends to get you a loan or someone from the family to lend you money. He could also mold to get a small over draft which would keep his business running. Yet again lest not forget an overdraft has its disadvantage and that is when it come to payi ng stomach that over draft the interest rate would be high so he would have to think of a way to pay that off and it would not be an easy task for Ricky. Of course Ricky has the option of selling his own assets but that is just an option that could be left for last. In general I would recommend for Ricky to get a loan from his family or friends because in my opinion that is the best possible decision and the best possible way from him to get his business up and running.Solution to problem 2For the second problem there is a solution but this would have to be done correctly by Ricky and the solution is advertisement IF any type of business is looking to increase their sales the best way possible is to make sure to advertise their work a lot and reason being is to make sure that they let their customers know what they have to offer. Yet again we have to look at this from Rickys perspective what I would recommend for him to do is whenever he decides to advertise the best thing to do i s to make sure he keeps his prices low because first of all this would give him an opportunity to show people what his business has to offer and second of all he would not have to pay a great occur of money to get his services advertised.Solution to problem 3Another solution to his second problem would be if Ricky uses appropriate pricing such as low prices on the services he has to offer. That due to the fact that he is just starting his business it is not very known to people that are regular customers to other businesses and low pricing is the only way that he would gain customers. In addition this relates to his advertisement solution because if he advertises that his services are on low prices people would have more interest into going to see what Rickys business has to offer. I would also recommend for him to put his prices up only if his business is succeeding with the sales then he would be able to increase sales even more by doing this.Solution to problem 4Solution to Rick ys final problem would be for him to make sure that he monitors his expenses and by doing that he would be able to control them. What I would recommend for Ricky to do is to keep reckons this would help him to keep the costs in those fixed budgets by doing this Ricky would not overspend and he would keep the very most important thing in the cash flow chart low and that is his payments figure. The way that he can stay within his fixed budget is by doing this. For example his budget is 80 000 and as we know his forecasted total expenses are 71 750 he would be left out with 8250 which he can use for next year to either to expand the business or toimprove on some things that the business needs and he can make the budget lower for next year.Another solution to his final problem is to find new suppliers or the best way is to make sure he buys his tools that he needs at a lower price. This would help him and his business so much it will actually make his business run fluently at the beggi ng because that is what he wants so by him keeping the tool price low and this would mean that his costs are low too then at the end he is left with his expenses which will be low too and this could mean that they can match the figure that he has predicted on his cash flow forecast.1.3 ConclusionIn conclusion I have learnt that whenever you want to start a new business you would not only have to make a cash flow forecast but you would most defiantly have to predict the problems that might occur and how would you as a business man base up to these problems and solve them and you would also have to know how to make sure these problems never occur in order for your business to be running smoothly.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Mother- Tongue based Multilingual Education Essay
Transfer to the other spoken communications once Filipino or position has been acquired to lend oneself these skills in thinking and articulating thought and Be utilize in the process of acquiring English and Filipino more effectively Social DevelopmentMaintains local langu period and culture while providing national/ internationalist spoken communication accomplishment and instruction Promotes learners integration into the national society without forcing them to sacrifice their linguistic and cultural heritage. Using the culture the babe knows enabling immediate inclusion from which new theorys can be built- going form the known to the unknown.Academic DevelopmentMeaning based gentility that enables students to learn well with the attending of what the instructor is saying. Be well prep ard to enter and achieve well in the mainstream education system. Source Gazette of the PhilippinesThe WHYsIn an article by Cruz (2011) under grading P-Noy the countrys president Pres. Noy Noy Aquino said, My view on this is larger than just the classroom. We should become tri- lingual as a country visualize English well and connect to the world Learn Filipino well and connect to our country retain your mother clapper and connect to your heritage. In light to the Legal basis in the 1987 Constitution (Article XIV Sec 7), For purposes of communication and instruction, the official wrangles of the Philippines be Filipino and, until otherwise provided by law, English. The regional deliverys be the auxiliary official voice communications in the regions and sh totally serve as auxiliary media of instruction therein, and as concorded by the1987 Philippine Constitution (Article XXVII Sec 30) which states that the child has the right to an education and to learn and use the language of his family, and as strengthened by RA 8780 EECD Law (Sec 5a) which states that schools and institutions shall use the childs eldest language as the medium of instruction and facts of life for all should enable everyone to speak in the vernacular, Filipino and English, RA 9155 or EFA/MDG. Under BESRA KRT 3, all persons beyond school- age regardless of their level of schooling should acquire the essential competence to be considered functionally literate in their mother tongue in Filipino or in English.Theories of Language and CognitionThis new approach in education in the Philippines under the Mother- Tongue based education in the newly use K-12 program has so much promise when it comes to having a solid bag in literacy with children and thus this would create a ripple effect as they pass off in their succeeding years not only pedantically but in like manner in life itself. There had been several(prenominal) studies and researches done showing the expertness of using the majoritys mother tongue language in learning a minority language, and in the good example of the Philippines it is a country that embraces several mother tongue languages according to Lewis, Simons, Fenig (2013) the country includes around 120- 170 identified mother tongues spoken in different parts of the country the Department of gentility in the Philippines has somehow introduced and currently approved 12 mother tongues to be used in each respective aras that use much(prenominal) mother tongue languages, the 12 identified major language or lingua argon as follow a) Tagalog b) Kapampangan c) Pangasinense d) Iloko e) Bikol f) Cebuano g) Hiligaynon h) Waray i) Tausug j) Maguindanaoan k) Maranao l) Chabacano.Even with the studies and researches done to prove that having a good foundation of the sympathy of the mother- tongue language of the child, there is still a unscathed lot of questions that rose with regards to p arnts aspirations for their children to learn English as early as Kindergarten since closely have the mentality that learning the English language and universe able to use the language in daily basis not only in school but also in complaisant gatherings, homes and play area would string their children more appealing and would excel academically. To answer those questions, enlighten peoples mentalities andto clearly understand the underlying effect of the benefits mother tongue based education offers let us first see the theories that would explain the scientific workings of language in several condition. Under the theories of Language and Cognition as described by Cummin (1981) he clearly illustrated under the Common Underlying Proficiency (CUP) that the basis for students to march on learn a new language or L2 is the cognition and language fundamentals that students learned from their primary language or L1. In other words, if a student has a strong foundation and is competent in their L1, they are most seeming to be competent in the acquisition of a second language, the L2.The Common Underlying Proficiency or CUP serves as the central operation system of both(prenominal) languages L1 and L2, Cummin (1981). In shor t, if there is intelligence on the water cycle in their L1, that formulated acquaintance transfers to the comprehension of water cycle in another language or L2. In the Philippines case let us say that the water cycle as discussed in Bisaya (mother tongue used in Cebu) is learned it is of close certainty that learning the identical context discussed in English (students L2) would also be learned by the students. Linguistic knowledge, as well as skills such as summarizing chapters, can also transfer between languages, Freeman & Freeman (2004). The results of many recent studies suggest that bilingualism can positively affect both capable and linguistic progress. These studies have account that bilingual children exhibit a greater sensitivity to linguistic meanings and may be more flexible in their thinking than are monolingual children (Cummins and Swain, 1986 Diaz, 1986 Hakuta and Diaz, 1985 Ricciardelli, 1989). closely of these studies have investigated aspects of childrens m etalinguistic demotement in other words, childrens explicit knowledge round the structure and functions of language itself.Another concept under canonical Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS) and consisting of the language skills that enables students to communicate in everyday social contexts at home or in group, Diaz- Rico & Weed (2006) and consists of more social cues, such as wave or a smile when a friend or acquaintance is seen, or a nod from a enlightener or parent to affirm that the child is doing a good job. Since it is context embedded, L2 learners tend to develop it within 2 years much more quick than Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP). CALP can be seen of as academic, or school language and requires more complex thoughtprocess such as categorizing and analyzing. It focuses more on abstract and decontextualized Diaz- Rico & Weed (2010), higher- target thinking skills are required from students in this aspect, since the lack of context clues that CALP provides, it can murder up to five years for English Language Learners or L2 to develop.An important characteristic of the bilingual children in the more recent studies (conducted since the early 1960s) is that, for the most part, they were growing what has been termed an additive form of bilingualism (Lambert, 1975) in other words, they were adding another language which is English as their second language to their repertory skills at no cost or disadvantage of their first language but instead these children were in the process of attaining high level of fluency and literacy in both of their two languages. To further develop such skills what teachers could do is to encourage students to keep reading stories, articles or animations in their infixed language for fun, or even talk about their day in school with their parents, guardians, friends and/ or social circle in their native language, and in order to furnish for the development of BICS, teachers need to give students beat to socialize doneout the school day. This time could be during a work time or even just at lunch and on the playground.Without many opportunities to communicate socially, English Language Learners will struggle with basic language development. In the aspect of the development of CALP in an English Language Learner is one that will counter more time and thought on the part of the teacher. When introducing content-specific language in the classroom, it is helpful to provide student with visuals and realia as much as possible. Giving students the opportunity to visually picture the concept will aid their soul. When the concept is more abstract, as is the case with more upper-leveled grades, resources such as charts, graphs and graphic organizers may be particularly helpful in the development of CALP.Cummins himself says that not only does maintenance of L1 helps students to communicate with parents and grandparents in their families, and increase the collective linguistic competen ce of the entire society, it enhances the intellectual and academic resources of individual bilingual studentsCummins (2000). Children use language in social context, especially in building relationships, exchanging information, thinking and with the play of words and in communication while learning. We know today that the ability to communicate is prior to linguistic development before producing words to communicate, babies start to babble or show signs in order to communicate to their caregivers or family then they start to name people and things around them to exchange information and make sense and meaning of the world they are in.As they continue to develop, their language develops and they become more sophisticated communicators from then on their personality develops and when they go to school they start playing with other children and cooperating and use their language(s) to interact with peers and adults and to learn. Therefore, children need language to socialize, to comm unicate, to understand the world and to learn. As Harding and Riley (1986) write A child learning a language is learning about the world, about how it is organised and how it works. This is very different from the adult learning a second language who tends to work the other way round he brings his world with him and uses the language to try to express it. When placed in a bilingual or multilingual setting, children are going to learn in that context through their first language or L1 and that it is important to acknowledge several facts around L1 that is the language acquired from home and from birth to their social circle and it does not stop by the time children enter school. And that the additional language would not develop and progress similarly with L1 since L1 is already pre- existing. As a teacher, one should always remember that just because a student speaks English well on the playground, does not mean their CALP language is fluent.A teacher should encourage students to co ntinue to read unbendablely in their native language, so that they can transfer these skills into English. As Cummins (2000) states Conceptual knowledge developed in one language helps to make input in the other language comprehensible. If a child already understands the concepts of justice or honesty in her own language, all she has to do is acquire the label for these terms in English. She has a far more difficult task, however, if she has to acquire both the label and the concept in her second language Shoebottom (1996- 2012). Another tactic teachers can use is to allow students to work in groups with other who speak the same native language. Teachers could allow students to talk amongthemselves, use pictures or dictionaries if they dont understand something. Teach all students the vocabulary before starting an new unit, this can benefit the entire class. Never judge a student for not understanding something taught to them in their L2.It had been obtrusive that almost anywhere t he minorities are taken for granted. They are expected, if not required to assimilate to the socio- political edifices, social practices, and the social standards which are mostly built by the majority. Even then the majority still treats them less than equal, if not less than human. And with regards to the minority in the aspect of language in the Philippines, this particular learning hatchway is ideal to the schools who caters to disabled students and also to students who have special postulate. And with this new program which is the MTB- MLE it is most likely to enhance and help them make meaning to the concepts and topics that are being introduced, it would eliminate one aspect of understanding the word, their only concern by then is understanding the concept since they already understand the language use in the introduction of the content, thus making it easier for them and making it personal and relatable.Since the aim of mainstreaming is to let students with special needs learn at par with habitue students, this learning scuttle would enhance that aim and would fully immerse students with special needs in the regular world it would also put them at par with the reality that regular students are in. This learning initiative would help these marginalized minorities through supporting the use of their mother tongue and helping them make sense of the words and the world they are in.In line with the salient features of this MTB- MLE learning initiative, this would be powerful in the development of their language literacy, thus providing them with a strong educational foundation on their first language and bridging it in learning another language either the Filipino language or the English language and also, enabling them to use both or all languages in their own discretion, and given that students with special needs find it challenging in transferring concepts and instantly making meaning on concepts compared to regular students, this learning initiativ e would put their mother tongue as their solid foundation in figuring out the meaning ofeach topic and the concept introduced, making it less stressful and difficult.Another feature that was presented focused on Cognitive development of students and learners, and with MTB- MLE learning initiative it is based on the child or students own known environment and bridges their world to the wider world so as the concept of Known to Unknown and the build- up of higher order thinking skills as to where they are capable of doing, may it be figuring out money change, or deciding as to where the safest part of the road to cross and the understanding concepts learned through their mother tongue would then be transferred in another language, and making it less confusing since there is already prior knowledge and familiarity o the concept. In the aspect of social development, since these minorities have difficulty with regards to their social skills, this learning initiative would enable them to make it less threatening and intimidating for them to work themselves in social circles, practices and activities, may it be joining a person or two in the playground and engaging in a unanalyzable play or social gathering. MTB- MLE enables these students to use their known culture and enabling them to immediately comprehend social practices, activities and realities based on their known world outback(a) those in schooltheir known world at home, encouraging them to interact and share what they usually do at home since the language used at home, is the same language used in school, activities and social practices in their learning environment.And the last salient feature discussed in this learning initiative is academic development, through MTB- MLE learning initiative, students with special needs are able to make meaning of what the teacher is saying since the language used is their mother tongue, the language most likely they use at home and are familiar to them. And also, it wo uld allow this minority to be well prepared to achieve well in the mainstream education system as what most parents aspire their children to achieve. The learning experience of students with special needs would most likely be enhanced with this learning initiative since it is basing the acquisition of concepts, topics, context and ideas in their known language and allowing immediate acceptance to these concepts since the language used is already an experienced everyday activity. It would limit special needs students intimidation, threat and misgiving in engaging themselves socially, academically and emotionally, since they could clearly see that their fellowstudents, as well as teachers are using the same known language with regards to precept and learning, and putting them on the same standard as of the other regular students, also allowing the minimal feel on the difference of regular students and special needs students.This learning initiative would most likely encourage student s to achieve more are would not make big concepts in different subjects intimidating since the language used are non- threatening to them, this would allow them to relate their everyday reality to the reality nationally, internationally and globally. Upon having a solid foundation on their mother tongue, students are also able to retain their local identicalness and national identity at the same time being able to find their global identity thus giving them a key to fully experience the world outside their known world through the help of worldwide web, media, and global activities. though this learning initiative is very ideal to the marginalized minority which is towards students with special needs under mainstream program this learning initiative poses a challenge to its proponents, especially the teachers, since being the product of the old education system which uses English as the medium of instruction and mother tongue was not in the picture in the whole education process, te achers would find it a constant challenge to cultivate their known mother tongue and use it in their teaching practices, learning once once more how to write in their mother tongue at the same time being critical with the syntax and technicalities when it comes to the grammar in their mother tongue, since one could not today translate English sentences to ones mother tongue due to its arrangement and syntax.Teachers have to shift to what they have known, used and practiced in their education as well as their profession, it is a shift to learning and entertaining their mother tongue and incorporating it to their instruction it would mean relearning terminologies and changes in outlines, instructional materials, resources, references, educational strategies and practices these challenges are to be faced head on and demands consistency and result from stakeholders such as schools, parents, students and the government.This learning initiative is properly introduced and practiced, it wo uld make a difference not only to the marginalized minority but also to the other students especially those who are struggling academically, and since theories involving L2 acquisition shows that having a solid foundation on L1 does not invalid any academicperformance rather than it supports and enhances the students understanding of concepts since the language used is their home language, the language that they have been familiar since birth, the language that they have learned to make meaning on this outside their academic world. The successful practice of this learning initiative would bring about better comprehending students, better learners, enhancement of higher order thinking skills, life skills and whole rounded learners. It would also promote unity in different localities in the same region, unity in schools and not having that fulgurous difference on status basing on the language spoken, unity in public and private school sectors, unity and uniformity in concepts taught .And as a teacher, I am moved to respond to this learning initiative by furthering and widening my skills and knowledge on my mother tongue since I personally am not confident to teach my mother tongue, since I grew up in an English speaking environment and in a family that used English in almost always at home. I am challenged to relearn my mother tongue and to have full command of my local language, and since the country is already adapting to MTB- MLE it is my certificate of indebtedness as a future teacher to make into reality the aims and features of this learning initiative, making the learning experience personal to my future students and learners even if there are more than 30 students in a class, it is my responsibility to make sure that my future students would confidently be able to make sense and meaning to what I am conveying and saying with regards to teaching concepts, and also carry with it the encouragement for unity, uniformity and decrease the fear of being diffe rent in terms of understanding the language. Since this learning initiative is fairly a new concept to some, it is also my responsibility to share the beauty and its advantages, in the whole educational experience of a learner, it is my responsibility to make it known to others of the weight of such learning initiative in the enhancement and development of whole rounded learners and life- long learners.ReferencesBasic gentility Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA), 2010. BESRA Key Reform Thrust 3 Influential social institutions and key social processes are engaged by DepED to support national scale attainment of desired learning outcomes.Retrieved from http// Cruz, Isagani 2011. Grading P- Noy. the Filipino Global Community. Retrieved from http// Cummins, J. & Swain, M. (1986). Bilingualism in education Aspects of theory, research and practice. L ondon Longman. Cummins, J. (1981) Bilingualism and minority language children. Ontario Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.Cummins, J. (2000) Language, Power and Pedgogy Bilingual Children in the Crossfire. Clevedon Multilingual Matters Diaz, R. M. (1986). Bilingual cognitive development Addressing three gaps in current research. Child Development, 56, 1376-1388. Daz-Rico, L. T. & Weed, K. Z. (2006). The cross-cultural, language, and academic development handbook, fourth edition. Boston, MA Allyn & Bacon. Diaz-Rico, L. T. & Weed, K. Z. (2010). The crosscultural language, and academic development handbook A complete K-12 reference guide(4th ed.). Boston, MA Allyn & Bacon. Freeman, D. E. & Freeman, Y. S. (2004). Essential linguistics What you need to know to teach reading, ESL, spelling, phonics, and grammar. Portsmouth, NH Heinemann Hakuta, K. & Diaz, R. M. (1985). The relationship between degree of bilingualism and cognitive ability A critical discussion and some new longitud inal data. In K. E. Nelson (Ed.), Childrens language, Vol. 5. Hillsdale, New island of Jersey Erlbaum. Harding, E. & Riley, P. 1986. The bilingual family a handbook for parents. Cambridge Cambridge University Press. Lambert, W. E. (1975). Culture and language as factors in learning and education. In A. Wolfgang (Ed.), Education of immigrant students. Toronto O.I.S.E. Lewis, M. Paul, Gary F. Simons, and Charles D. Fennig (eds.) 2013. Ethnologue Languages of the World, Seventeenth edition. Dallas, Texas SIL International. Retrieved from http// Official Gazette of the Philippines (n.d). K-12 Basic Education Program Salient Features. Retrieved from http// Philippine Constitution 1987, Article XIV Sec 7 Education, Science and Technology, Arts , Culture and Sports. Retrieved from http// Ricciardelli, L. (1989). Childhood bilingualism Metalinguistic awareness
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Children of Men Film
Children Of Men. Children of Men Directed by Alfonso Cuaron. Is set in the year 2027, in a chaotic world in which humans provide no longer procreate, Theo Faron a former activist, agrees to help transport a miraculously pregnant woman, Named Kee, to a sanctuary located out at sea, where her childs birth could help scientists save mankind. In the film Children of Men, there are many crucial scenes to help convey the idea of the film, however I recollect one of these scenes particularly important namely the apartment scene.In this scene Theo is being driven through the streets of London to the Ark Of Arts to visit his cousin Nigel. The director uses a number of techniques to help portray the themes and ideas, such as music, setting, lighting and mise-en-scene. During the apartment scene, the song The Court Of the Crimson King by King Crimson is compete in the background The lyrics in this song help portray the idea of mankinds demise. Crimson is the colour ascribed to someone who is furious, for example how God essential feel toward mankind for its sins. But the wise never refer to God directly, for it seems nutty and conjectured.Instead they refer to Gods ordained agents, in this age personified as crimson-seated monarch. All the diabolical-sounding protests at the beginning of the sequence is bone-chilling with detail of various biblical verses predicting the end of the world. It implies that infertility is Gods punishment for mans sins as humanity approaches the grand finale. I. e. the final coming to a head culmination of the human saga. Also during this scene the lighting plays a significant role in creating the mood which the audience feel. It directs the viewer to what the character is feeling, drawing the viewer into the film.The scene starts with Theo being driven though the busy and crowded streets of London, full of cars, people and protesters. The live end-to-end the first part of the scene is quite cloudy emphasising the dim mood in the scene. It is quite dark and gloomy, this helps portray the connection to the depression throughout the country due to the infertility. The images and lighting are similar to images that record the suffering of people during the depression of the 1930s. However, inside the park the weather starts to brighten making everything purport lush and vibrant.It seems absurd to see such a strong contrast after passing through the imperial gates. This brings to mind the saying The grass is forever and a day greener on the other side This helps to show how the members of the public see this part of London as a desired thing and that everything is better, plainly this saying commonly ends up being false these people still live in the same world, it is all an illusion, Further on in the scene Theo says to his cousin Nigel, A hundred years from now, there wont be one single sad f**k to look at any of this (meaning his apartment).What keeps you passage? To which Nigel replies You know what it is, Th eo? I just dont think about it. He is just ignoring the inevimesa. Mise-en-scene creates a shocking impact as the viewer draws on their prior knowledge to make connections to the symbols revealed in this sequence. As Theo crosses the bridge to the Ark of Arts, above the Battersea power station, you can see a floating pig, reminiscent of Pink Floyds album cover for Animals.As Theo enters the court in the background, you can see a painting of two policemen kissing which is quite a famous piece by the street artist Banksy. After Theo enters the apartment he is greeted by his cousin Nigel. Behind him is the Statue Of David and two dogs in front of it. The Statue of David represents civil rights and the two dogs represent guards or loyalty, But with the dogs in front of The Statue Of David, This represents, Guarding the people, Or keeping the people from their rights.The scene then cuts to Theo, Nigel and his handicapped son sitting at a dinner table and behind Theo on the wall is a larg e painting by world famous Pablo Piccaso, The painting is called Guernica it was created in response to the bombing of Guernica, Basque country, by German and Italian war planes. Guernica shows the tragedies of war and the suffering it inflicts upon individuals, particularly innocent civilians. This work has gained a monumental status, becoming a perpetrated reminder of the tragedies of war, an anti-war symbol and an embodiment of peace.The presences of Banksy, Michelangelo and Picasso nontextual matter help portray the thoughts of society, as these entire artist stands for, peace, civil rights and anti-establishmentarianism. Near the end of this scene Theo and Nigel are talking by the window and behind them you can see again the floating pig. Having this floating pig is very symbolic using another saying pigs will fly. This presumably will never happen, a metaphor for being impossible like making plans to touch the sun at night, but having an actual floating pig represents how Pig s Will fly and hope is not lost when it comes to the infertility of mankind.Using the four techniques, Music, Setting, Lighting and Mise-en-scene, the director has successfully brought the viewers into the movie to experience it as he intended us to, which is to challenge our beliefs of how our world functions. Even just in this one scene there is so much to understand other than just watching the film, but the ideas of the story hidden in plain sight challenging the viewer to read further into the movie and the issues it highlights. Written by Matthew Puterangi.
Friday, May 24, 2019
MBA in Project Management Essay
Quality is having different meanings for different tidy sum. In spite of this whatsoever organization aiming for sustainable competitive advantage needs to esteem nodes needs to fix a quality objective. Immaculate planning is required to attain the pre decided quality goals. Proper monitoring and peoples involvement can ultimately enable an organization to hit the desired results. In the long run the good quality always wins the customers heart. I have to agree with Ian on this one. Quality management is an odd field in that almost every type of industry has some form of quality management or continuous improvment component to it.However, the good news is that nearly in all of the skills associated with quality managment are easily transfered to almost any industry. Theory of constraints is the same in automotive manufacturing as it is in retail sales or financial management. check out your favorite job dialog box and type in continuous improvment and you can see the options available. MBA in Project Management What Are the Job Duties of a Project Management Consultant? In general, project managers assist companies in making sound business decisions.These people also oversee and manage business projects from inception to completion. In order to achieve financial goals and objectives, project managers plan, develop, and execute schedules in order to ensure timely completion of projects within an organization. Additional duties include hands-on involvement throughout the purport cycle of a project, as well as communication with staff to make sure everyone is on track for completion. In a software environment, a project manager contrives closely with software developers to ensure that software coding and programming are completed on time.After that, project managers work with quality assurance personnel to make sure the code is bug-free and software tests are completed and documented on schedule. Finally, the project manager works with technical writers to ensure that the software documentation is completed on time as well. Overall, project managers coordinate all team activities. Project manages analyze data and direct trends and deficiencies in order to prevent any problems down the road. Project managers also develop and implement contingency plans during the course of a project.Although some project managers telecommute, most of them work in offices. Occasional travel to satellite offices and other facilities and other locations may also be required. What Types of Skills Do You Need for Project Management? cover charge employers are looking for project managers who are sharp, creative, and motivated. Since umteen of them are looking for specialized knowledge in areas of management, a degree from one of many amply accredited MBA Colleges is definitely in your favor. Career Opportunities in Project Management Graduates with an MBA in project management have no problem at all finding a job in their field.These people are able to find work in a variety of large companiesfrom construction to embrocate and gas and mining. Many experienced project managers find jobs overseas, where they work as independent contractors. Average wages for entry-level managers start at $107,000, and more experienced professionals pull together over 186,000 per year. If you have the skill and the drive to become a project manager, dont hesitate to get started on your new career. With so many colleges and universities offering MBA courses in project management, you should be able to find one that suits your needs.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Comparisons of war poems Essay
In exploring the portrayal of war in the poetry of Wilfred Owen and Shakespeare one can see the contrasting attitudes and realities of war. In before Agincourt set in 1415 composed by Shakespeare, he portrays the glory and honour in war, whilst hymn for doomed youth composed by Wilford Own set in 1914 is expressing the mindless and realistic thoughts of view.In the first stanza which Shakespeare has composed in the poem before Agincourt. He uses manipulating concepts that convey the message that war is a great adventure and that you should split for your country. Whilst Anthem for Doomed youth is doing the exact opposite and tries to convince the ratifier that war is a horrific ordeal. As the both poems where written in an musical interval of five hundred years it shows us very clearly the different point of few people had in their perspective time about war. forwards Agincourt is a very patriotic and heroic poem. In the first stanza Shakespeare uses a courageous tone. He uses em otional adjectives and verbs to make the reader feel the same as he does. He likewise uses a lot of positive nouns to create this affect e.g. greater share of honour Gods will. There is not often alliteration or any form of onomatopoeia in the first stanza.The second stanza uses a lot of emphasised words and longer pauses before the next decipher he also uses repetition of words starting with M. In the last stanza of the poem he does not use any assonance, onomatopoeia and alliteration technics to emphasize his poem. He only uses strong punctuation and pauses to create a very positive get down on war. This poem could be used as a propaganda device.Anthem for Doomed Youth composed by Wilford Owen.In the title of this poem Wilford is expressing that war is negative. Doom is a simile to convey inevitability of death, Doom also uses assonance with the double Os. It has an affect of being scary and threatening.The first stanza uses repetition to add rhythm and onomatopoeias to create a more realistic approach on war.The second stanza uses a lot of repetition and emphasised words. e.g. No mockeries, no prayers nor bells. No mockeries is implying no more joy and that they cant be mocked any more because they have perished. The No is also emphasised to give the poem more rhythm. No prayers nor bells. Is repetition, it also has a sad motive.The tone goes up to give the poem more negativity and sadness by elongating some words.The third stanza uses a rhetorical question to start off with. The mood is a lot softer. This is created by the poet using a softer tone to shorten the Ss, Ps and Rs. He uses repetition to try and enhances the readers sadness and visual tomography.There are also a lot of similes and metaphors used. E.g. pallor, paleness, brows, forehead. In the last stanza there is a vast amount of imagery of death. There is an ethical custom to conclude his poem. Drawing down of blind this is what people at home did when a close relative died.Comparing these two poems reveals that Shakespeares before Agincourt uses a lot less alliteration and repetition making the poem more joyful and honourable for war.In conclusion Shakespeare is entirely glorifying war while Wilford more realistically looking at war as a horrifying killer concept. Style wise I pick Shakespeare poem having a nice ring to its rhythm but the content of his poem is out dated and modern man would find it hard to defend with his idealistic point of views. Personally I can understand Wilfords Owens point of view better then Shakespears. War is a horrifying non justifiable matter and should not be promoted.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Wal-Mart Financial Statement Analysis
The Paul Merage School of Business at UC Irvine Financial Statement Analysis & Reporting Earnings Quality and Asset Analysis friendship WALMART Kian BolooriHee Jun ChungDaejune Min 1. Qualitative Analysis for the environment and the fraternity (1) INDUSTRY ANALYSIS Walmart is in the send away retailer labor. This industry started in the 1950s, grew in the 1960s, and matured in the 1970s. With exception to a moderate harvest-home period in the 1990s, the industry had remained stagnant since the 1970s. Today, three major players in the industry argon Walmart, address and Costco.The assure of the dismiss retail industry is best understood through the Porters Five Forces synopsis. * Competition HIGH Competition among discount retailers resembles that of an oligopoly in that Costco, Target and Walmart hold a vast majority of the market share. In past decades, competition among the firms was minimized because they each targeted a different market segment. For example, Target po re on full(prenominal)er end neighborhoods while Walmart focused on rural locations. However, as the firms began to grow, they had to expand beyond their original targeted segments.As such(prenominal), the firms started competing in the same locations, which escalate competition. This condition remains a dominant issue in the discount retail industry. * Barrier to New Entrants MEDIUM-HIGH Un homogeneous another(prenominal)(a) industries, the discount retailer industry does not require a particular set of technical knowledge for new entrants. However, the major players in the market have established strong procurement and distri exactlyion exculpateworks that prevent new entrants from easily establishing their own. As such, new entrants would find it difficult to establish procurement and istribution networks while bounding cost competitive with those of Walmart, Costco and Target. * talk terms Power of Buyers LOWMEDIUM Buyers have different levels of power depending on their location. In rural areas, buyers have slight power. There is usu completelyy maven discount retailer for each rural region. As such, that retailer has a virtual monopoly in that region, which allow it to increase prices, and thus increase margins. On the other hand, buyers in suburban and urban markets mess easily switch between discount retail competitors as a result, each discount retailer must keep its prices competitive in those markets. Bargaining Power of Suppliers LOW Suppliers to discount retailers hold little to no power. When the major discount retailers initiate relationships with new suppliers, they typically supplicate contracts for the new suppliers whole inventory. As a result, the suppliers become entirely reliant on the discount retailer for their business. The discount retailer then leverages this reliance by demanding dispirit prices on the inventory. As a result, suppliers typically have to sell their inventory at low prices that result in weensy profit mar gins for them and lower inventory be for discount retailers. Threat of Substitutes LOW Current existing substitutes to discount retailers include supermarkets, traditional retailers, and boutique shops. However discount retailers are fit to leverage their strong distribution networks to offer lower prices than many of the substitutes. As a result, discount retailers are able retain business despite the world of substitutes. (2) ECONOMIC CONDITIONS The fact that there are fewer opportunities to expand in the United States has made it difficult for discount retailers to continue growing profits.In fact, discount retailers attempts to enter new markets have resulted in community resistance. In Watts, CA, community members successfully lobbied to prevent Walmart from opening a new store in the neighborhood. contempt these challenges, discount retailers have found new opportunities to increase profits. For one, discount retailers have started converting their stores into supercenters . These supercenters feature traditional discount retail products and grocery store products in one location. Also, discount retailers have begun expanding their international ope symmetryns.For example, Walmart has partnered with companies in South Africa, China, and Brazil in order to expand into those markets. These opportunities have already proven profitable and continue to be a focus for the major discount retail firms. (3) WALMART STRATEGY Walmarts business strategy is to keep costs low and pass the savings oermatch to the customers. Walmart accomplishes this strategy through several means. First, Walmart cuts costs in its procurement channels. Walmart cuts out the manufacturers representatives and works with suppliers directly.In doing so, Walmart saves 3-4% on costs. Also, Walmart is able to use its IT networks to instal sure the fraternity orders the right about of inventory from suppliers so that the Walmart stores experience neither overstock nor stock-out. Second, W almart keeps its labor costs low. Walmart maintains a frugal culture for all employees. For example, executives at the telephoner are prohibited from accepting meals and gifts from third parties. Additionally, Walmart provides store workers with wages and benefits that are below those given by competitors.Third, Walmart invests in ways to cut distribution costs. For example, Walmart know the large-scale cross-docking to transfer merchandise directly from inbound trucks to store-bound trucks without storing the good in its distribution centers. Through these innovations, Walmart has been able to save 3-4% on its distribution costs. Through these means, Walmart has significantly lower its costs when compared to competitors. This point of difference helped Walmart grow to become the leading discount retailer in the world. . Quantitative Analysis for the company and the peers (1) CASHFLOW ANALYSIS From financial year 2007 to fiscal year 2010, Walmart recorded unharmed growth in bot h sales and net income however, net increase in hard bullion and cash equivalents does not have the same growth pattern. Net cash scarper is the aggregate of cash flow from operations (chief financial officer), cash flow from investiture activities (CFI), and cash flow from financing activities (CFF). As is expected, chief financial officer does apparent movement positive in correlation with the increases to sales and income.On the other hand, CFI and CFF experienced sharp decreases. gibe to the common- size of it statement of cash flow, net CFI portion out of net CFO shows a generally decreasing trend during the period (-71%, -76%, -46%, -44%, respectively for 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010), on the other hand, the portion of net CFI increase constantly (-25%, -36%, -43%, -54%, respectively for 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010), which implies that War-Mart has become paying equal attention to investment for the future growth and shareholder value recently.Having solid CFO, Walmart had cash for investing and financing without borrowing a short-term debt As a result, while Walmart experienced 9% growth in sales and 13% increase in net income in 2008 compared to the previous year, net cash decreased almost 400%. Target shows a similar cash flow pattern to that of Walmart. Target has been reducing investment level and focusing more on shareholder return and the debt repayment. On the other hand, Costco has been managing the cash flexibly over the past four years in order to meet the firms drives for investment.Costco still concentrates on investing activities, which can be evidence by the portion of net CFI (-72% of net CFO in 2010). According to 10-K of the year 2010, Costco opened 13 new warehouses in 2010, which was directly related to the capacious negative CFI. For Walmart, the accounting alteration accruals, which is measured as the gap between net income and CFO, is at 40%. The accounting adjustment accruals are one of index fingers for dinero quality. While 40% is significant, it is smaller than that of Walmarts competitors. Changes to true assets and current liabilities have a large impact on the accounting adjustment accruals.For instance, Walmart had accounts due increased by $297 mil in 2010, which negatively impacts on cash flow, but its inventory decreased by $2,213 mil in the same fiscal year, which had a positive influence on cash flow from operations. Despite these changes, CFO has still maintained a growth trend. Consequently, Walmart shows a steady upward trend of free cash flow, which is the difference between CFO and big(p) expenditures, during the past four years ($4. 6 bil, $5. 7 bil, $11. 6 bil, $14. 1 bil, respectively for 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010). The cash spent on CFI went to purchase of PPE in order to expand current operations.The firm used to invest approximately 80% of CFO in PP&E in 2007 and 2008, however decreased the investment to 45% level recently. A significant level of CFF went to shareholder return, includ ing dividends and share buybacks (e. g. $11. 4mil or 77% of net income in 2010). As such, Walmart appears to provide value to its shareholders. Similarly, Target and Costco also invested highly in PP&E and return more than 70% of net profit to investors. To sum up, we can see a certain pattern in cash flows of the three firms as follows, which shows that Walmart, Costco and Target are matured and generating healthy cash flow. Walmart Target Costco accretion (NI/CFO) 58% (Gap 42%) 54% (gap 46%) 53% (gap 47%) CFO Positive,Constantly Growing Positive,Growing Trend Positive,Growing Trend CFI Negative (for PP&E) Negative (for PP&E) Negative (for PP&E and short-term investments) CFF Negative (for shareholder returns) Negativeexcept in 2007 ($7. 6mil long-term debt in 2007) Negative (for shareholder returns) One cause of concern from Walmarts cash flow is a contradiction in terms between Walmarts growth strategy and CFF.The high levels of dividends that Walmart gives its shareholders may limit the amount of cash the company has for expansion. CFO has remained high enough to divvy up CFI, but this might not always be the case. As a result, Walmart may have to cut the amount of dividends it pays if it wants to continue growth during a period when CFO is decreasing. (2) EARNING QUALITY ANALYSIS Walmarts earnings have been positive and growing each fiscal year from 2008-2010. The increase in earnings is primarily collect to the fact that revenue had also increased in that timeframe. There has been a 7. 5% increase in revenue from 2008 to 2009 and a 0. 95% increase in revenue from 2009 to 2010. A large majority of Walmarts revenues come from its core operationsthe net sales of products that Walmart had procured from suppliers and sold at its retail locations. The Net gross sales figure is computed as the sales less sales tax and estimated sales returns. Less than 1% of full revenue is based on membership revenue. social status revenue is from customers who purchase yearly Sams Club memberships. There are several important features regarding the relationship between Net Income and CFO.First, the Net Income and CFO both trend positive, growing at a comparable rate. Second, CFO is larger than Net Income each year. This is primarily due to the adjustment to depreciation and amortization. Third, the adjustment due to an increase in accounts due is fairly constant, and is not a significant portion of the total CFO. These features suggest that the Net Income is a good indicator of cash inflow from operations, which would be expected from a company that collects cash at point of sale. Walmart recognizes revenue at point of sale when customers purchase products at the retail locations.Walmart recognizes revenue from gift cards only when the gift card is redeemed. Walmart recognizes revenue from services when the company performs the service however, revenue from services is a small portion of total net sales. For membership, Walmart recognizes the rev enue over the period of the membership. For example, if a membership cost $120 upfront, then $10 revenue would be acknowledge each month of the 12-month membership. Until its recognized, the cash collected is accounts as a li index (Deferred Membership Revenue). Expenses are divided into various categories.Cost of sales is all costs related to the attainment and transport of inventory. Any money received from suppliers, such as reimbursements for markdowns, is reduced from the cost of sales figure. Furthermore, Walmart does not include its costs of distribution facilities in its cost of sales, which can make its gross profit seem disproportionally stronger than its competitors. However, these costs can be found within SGA. SGA, Advertising and Pre-Opening costs are all recognized the same period that they are spent. Walmart does not seem to participate in any earnings management.The small account receivable account suggests that sales can be seem in cash inflow, meaning there is li ttle chance that Walmart fabricated sales figures. Furthermore, Walmart did not make any significant changes to its depreciation cycles and PPE purchase patterns, which suggests that Walmart did not try to inflate its earnings to disguise unfavorable in operation(p) performance. (3) RATIO ANALYSIS Financial ratios are a measurement of the companys overall health. In general, the financial ratios of a company are compared with those of its major competitors (cross-sectional and trend analysis) and to the companys antecedent periods (trend analysis). positivity Ratio The ability to generate profit on capital invested is a key determinant of a companys overall value. Profitability is the net results of a number of policies and decisions. Here, the key ratios, ROCE and ROA, were calculated to judge the profitability in general. Return-on-assets (ROA) has been increased to 9. 6% in 2010 from 8. 4% in 2007 (See adjoin 10-2). This high ratio indicates that Walmart generated high income with given level of its assets. Return-on-capital employed (ROCE) has also increased to 21. 3% in 2010, from 19. 1% in 2007 (See exhibit 10-1).Compared to the competitors, Walmart has the highest ROA and ROCE, which illustrates that Walmart is the most profitable company in its industry. * Activity Ratio Activity ratio measures how efficiently a company utilizes its assets. These ratios are analyzed as indicators of ongoing operational performances on other words, how effectively a company uses its assets. Walmarts inventory disturbance in days was 40 days in 2010, which is a modest improvement from 45 days in 2007 (See exhibit 11-1). The lower memory days of the inventory indicates that Walmart has made progress over the period in terms of inventory management.Considering the gross revenue growth, which increased over the periods, Walmart has effectively managed its inventory, avoiding any shortage or inadequate inventory levels. Walmart continued to set their goods in fairly lo w price in order to have its inventory move faster. Even though inventory turnover ratio of Walmart is less than that of Costco, Walmarts improvement in its inventory turnover is better than that of Costco or Target. Additionally, account payable turnover gradually increased from 9. 9 days to 10. 22 days (See exhibit 11-1).The longer period of holding the Account payable indicated it has made good use of available credit facilities. * Liquidity Ratio (Short-Term) A liquid asset is one that trades in an prompt market and can be quickly converted to cash. A firms liquid state position determines whether a firm has enough resources to meet its current obligations. Walmarts current ratio deteriorated from 0. 9 in 2007 to 0. 87 2010 but then is improving from 2010 to 2011 exceeding 0. 88 in 2009 level. Also quick ratio and cash ratio improved from 2009 to 2010 (see exhibit 12-1).Nevertheless, it can be a negative sign for the company to have a current ratio less than 2. 0 and a quick r atio less than 1. 0. In fact, Walmarts current ratio and quick ratio are lower than that of Costco and Target. A lower ratio indicates less liquidity, implying a greater reliance on operating cash flow and outside financing to meet short-term obligation. However, a reason for the troubling liquidity ratios is that Walmart has been using its cash for fixed assets as part of its effort to expand. As such, Walmart can generate cash by slowing growth if it has an urgent need to pay off current obligations.Additionally, Walmarts cash conversion cycle was greatly decreased to 4. 8 in 2010 from 8. 5 in 2007 (See exhibit 11-1). It is the shortest operating cycle of its industry. A shorter cash conversion cycle indicates greater liquidity. The short cash conversion cycle implies that Walmart only needs to finance its inventory and accounts receivable for a short period of time. Its cash cycle is optimized, meaning it is able to sell inventory quickly also have less time capital tied up in th e business process thus better for the companys bottom line. * Solvency Ratio (Long-Term)Solvency refers to a companys ability to fulfill its long-term debt obligations. Solvency ratios provide information about the relative amount of debt in the capital structure and the adequacy of earnings and cash flow to cover interest expenses and other fixed charges as they come due. This is important for assessing the risk and return characteristics such as its financial leverage. Walmarts total liabilities-to-assets ratio was 0. 57 in 2010, slightly decreasing from 0. 58 in 2009 and 2008. This means 57% of total asset are financed with debt . Long-term debt-to-equity ratio was 0. 0 in 2010, once more slightly decreased from 0. 52 in 2009 (See exhibit 12-1). This means 50% is the Walmarts capital represented by debt. Although the size of asset and debt far exceeds the size of its competitors, but the ratios did not show significant proportional difference between Walmart and its competitors. Interest coverage ratios, calculated by using EBIT divided by total interest expense, can be viewed as good if the number exceeds 2. 0. For Walmart, the interest coverage ratio was 11. 8 in 2010 that was improved from 10. 5 in 2007 (See exhibit 12-1).This increase indicates that Walmart has become stronger in solvency, offering greater assurance that Walmart can service its debt from operating earnings. As for evidence, Walmarts CFO-to-total liability was calculated to be 54. 5% in 2010, increasing from 48. 4% in 2007 (See exhibit 12-1). This is relatively high compared to its peers such as Costco and Target. 3. Conclusion Based on the aforementioned analysis, including qualitative and quantitative, we would like to conclude that Walmart is a company that can be highly recommended for investors to buy.First, the industry is still attractive when it comes to high barrier to entry, low power of buyers and suppliers, and low scourge of substitution. Also for the company level, Walmar t has differentiated itself successfully by focusing on the lowest price. Second, Walmarts cash flows show a typical pattern for a healthy and matured firm that is, Walmart has a constantly growing positive CFO, a negative CFI for the investment in PPE, and a negative CFF for shareholder returns such as dividend and share repurchase.Also, the strong CFO generates a increasing trend of FCF (Free Cash Flow), which indicates that the company has a potential for flexible cash management whether for the growth investment or shareholder returns. Third, Walmart appears to have quality earning. Further, there are close ties between net income and CFO in other words, both net income and CFO show positive trend and increase at a comparable rate. Also Walmart is engaged in neither manipulating earnings nor making positive changes in accounting methods. Fourth, Walmarts ratios look good.ROA and ROCE are strong when compared to those of Costco and Target. The liquidity ratios are relatively low , but can be addressed if Walmart chooses to retain cash instead of using it on growth. Finally, Walmarts P/E ratio on May 19, 2011 is 11. 5, which is relatively low when compared to that of Walmarts competitors (Target 11. 9, Costco 26. 3). As such, Walmart appears to be undervalued. Ultimately, the analysis on Walmarts financial statements indicates that investors would be well advised to buy Walmarts stocks.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry
The play A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry has many intriguing characters. As I would see it, the most enkindle character is Ruth Younger, in view of her numerous feelings and dazzling identity. She experiences outrageous feelings in the play, for example, happiness, trouble, outrage, push, and so on. In the play, Ruth is extremely indep exterminateent, kind, and adoring. Ruth has a becharm identity. She is exceptionally adoring towards her family. She will do all in her capacity to enhance the way of life of her family.Ruth endeavors to make the best of things. As successfully depicted in the film using high contrast, the loft needs daylight and the glow a home needs and individuals hunger for. In the midst of her grim life in the confined flat, she coordinates all her vitality toward the joy of her child and spouse. She is baffled since life has not satisfied her desires. Because of her stale position, she is known among her heap a settled lady.She agrees to fulfillment instead of searching out satis accompanimention. With lease to pay and a family to think about, she has surrendered any considerations of a superior future for herself. Rather, she raises Travis and backings Walter with an end goal to think about their fantasies. She attempts to veil her own discontent in plans to empale the family soul and urge them to see the positive qualities in the revolting.Her dynamic loading to deal with the family is customarily misused and negated by Mama. In their real scene, a significant number of Ruths activities are addressed by Mama including her treatment of Travis. Having her maternalistic endeavors overridden by Mama wounds Ruths mind. Subsequently, she frequently feels uprooted. Her activities appear to be futile in light of the fact that she isnt permitted to totally accept the familial art of mother.In her dissatisfactory cycle of benevolent activities to disregard the unforgiving substances Ruth even thinks about a premature birth to shi eld her family from another troublesome issue. She leaves herself to the choice on the yard that a woman will do anything for her family regardless of how revolting it might be.At the point when Mama informs the family concerning the house, Ruth gauges the positives and negatives of the decision, decides this is a change for her family, and endeavors to fortify the great characteristics about the move. It likewise helps that she sees the change as something to be thankful for herself as she cheerfully expresses this is my time in life. Actually, it is, yet she is clashed on the grounds that Walter isnt content with the choice which undermines her objective to guarantee her family satisfaction.For her, development and additionally change of any sort is a change, so she grasps the choice in spite of the fact that it is one that achieves another arrangement of issues because of negative race relations. Gratefully, she can enjoy the house and see Walter cheerful as Mama hands over the j ob of leader of the family to him. The restored certainty of Walter prompts a retouching of his and Ruths relationship and her job as guardian, spouse, and mother.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Bill Miller and Value Trust Essay
1. How well has observe Trust performed in recent years? In making that assessment, what benchmark(s) ar you using? How do you measure investment proceeding? What does good performance mean to you?Value believe had outperformed its benchmark index, the Standard & poor 500 Index for 14 years in a course am average annual total return of 14.6 percent, which surpassed the S&P 500 by 3.67% per year. Value trust had earned a cumulative return of to a greater extent than 830% over the previous 14 years, more than double that its average peer and the index.There are two ways to mearsure investment performance the plowshare of annual growth rate of NAV assuming reinvestment (the total return on invenst) and the absoulute dollar value straightaway of an investment made at some time in the past. These measure then compared with the performance of a benchmark portfolio such as the Russel 2000 Index or the S&P 500 Composite Index.2. What great power explain the funds performance? To what extent do you believe an investment schema, such as Mills explains performance?Some observers attributed this success to the fund managers conscious strategy of staying fully invested at all times rather than attempting to time the extent of commercialize investments. Another best-selling(predicate) explanation for the funds performance was the unusual skill of Bill Miller, the funds portfolio manager. His get on was research-intensive and highly concentrated when 50% of its assets were invested in just 10 large-capitalization companies and he was not opposed to take large positions in the stocks of growth companies.3. How easy will it be to sustain Millers historical performance record into the future? What factors support your conclusion?NOT EASYEMHLUCKY example4. Consider the mutual fund industry. What roles do portfolio managers play? What are the differences between fundamental and technical securities abridgment? How well do mutual funds generally perform relative to t he overall grocery store? adept analysis This involved the identification of profitable investment opportunities based on trends in stock prices, volume, market setiment, Fibonacci numbers,etc.Fundamental analysis This approach relied on insights afforded by an analysis of the economic fundamentals of a companion and its industry supply and demand costs, growth prospects, etc.Mutual funds were able to perform up to the market on a gross-returns basis however, when expenses were factored in, they underperformed the market.5. What is capital market efficiency? What are its implications for investment performance in general? What are the implications for fund managers, if the market exhibits characteristics of strong, semi-strong, or weak efficiency?Three levels of market efficiency.6. Suppose that you are an advisor to wealthy individuals in the area of equity investments. In 2005, would you recommend investment in Millers Value Trust? What beliefs about the equity markets does you r answer reflect?
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Pelaburââ¬â¢s Pizza Mini Case â⬠Capital Structure Decision
a) salvation of stock=RM15xhundred thousandshares=RM1500000 Equity after repurchase of stock=repurchase of stock- tote up borrowed Scenario Amount borrowed(RM) Equity after repurchase of stock(RM) 1 0 1500000-0=1500000 2 187500 1500000-187500=1312500 3 375000 1125000 4 562500 937500 5 750000 750000 6 937500 562500 7 1125000 375000 b) saddle of right=(equity after repurchase of stock/repurchase of stock) x100% Weight of debt + weight of equity=100% Scenario Weight of debt(%) Weight of equity(%) 1 100-100=0 1500000/1500000 x100%=100. 2 100-87. 5=12. 5 1312500/1500000 x100%=87. 5 3 25. 0 75. 0 4 37. 5 62. 5 5 50. 0 50. 0 6 62. 5 37. 5 7 75. 0 25. c) After-tax cost of debt=pre-tax cost of debt x (1-T) =(prime rate + risk premium)x(1-T) Scenario Prime rate(%) Risk premium(%) Tax(%) After-tax cost of debt(%) 1 5 2. 0 40 (5%+2%)x(1-0. 4)=4. 2 2 5 2. 0 40 (5%+2%)x(1-0. 4)=4. 2 3 5 2. 5 40 4. 4 5 3. 5 40 5. 1 5 5 5. 0 40 6. 0 6 5 7. 0 40 7. 2 7 5 10. 0 40 9. 0 d) CAPM=Krf+(RPm)? , Krf=4% , RPm=8% Scenario Subjective beta, ? CAPM(%) 1 2. 0 4%+8%(2. 0)=20. 0 2 2. 1 4%+8%(2. 1)=20. 8 3 2. 3 22. 4 4 2. 5 24. 0 5 2. 9 27. 2 6 3. 3 30. 4 7 3. 7 33. e) WACC=WdKd+WsKs Scenario Wd(%) Ws(%) Kd(%) Ks(%) WACC(%) 1 0 100. 0 4. 2 20. 0 0(0. 042)+1(0. 2)=20. 00 2 12. 5 87. 5 4. 2 20. 8 0. 125(0. 042)+0. 875(0. 208)=18. 73 3 25. 0 75. 0 4. 5 22. 4 17. 93 4 37. 5 62. 5 5. 1 24. 16. 91 5 50. 0 50. 0 6. 0 27. 2 16. 60 6 62. 5 37. 5 7. 2 30. 4 15. 90 7 75. 0 25. 0 9. 0 33. 6 15. 15 f) Shares repurchased=amount borrowed/repurchased stock price per share Remaining shares nifty=shares outstanding (old)-shares repurchased Scenario Shares outstanding Shares repurchased Remaining shares outstanding 1 100000 RM0/RM15=0 100000-0=100000 2 100000 RM187500/RM15=12500 100000-12500=87500 3 100000 25000 75000 4 100000 37500 62500 5 100000 50000 50000 6 100000 62500 37500 7 100000 75000 25000 g) Total addition=Earning(net income)/WACC otal equ ity=total assets-total liabilities Interest expense=amount borrowed x interest rate(prime rate + risk premium) Scenario 1 1 300000/100000=3. 00 2 292125/87500=3. 34 3 3. 78 4 4. 34 5 5. 0 6 6. 20 7 7. 95 h) There are two main types of financing for a business which are debt or equity financing. Debt financing is describe as the type of financing we develop from a tralatitious bank loan and equity financing is describes as the financing we receive from opine big(p) into our business from outside investors.Therefore, the benefit of debt financing is refer to its limited in amount and we will pay down the debt over time to a zero sum balance without all further obligation to the lender and the down stroke to debt financing is to define that traditional lenders will return a gravely look at our business including how long it has been in existence, income from operation, expenses and it will require hard assets for collateral for the loan. Moreover, those lenders wil l most certainly want us to personally guarantee for the re honorariums of the loan. Another disfavor of debt financing is that our organization will be burdened with some other type of regular payment which is usually a monthly payment which depending on the terms and conditions of the financing and this can absorbs critical specie flow, especially those individual or partners with small business.Besides that, the benefit of equity financing or venture capital is that we will be also receiving money in exchange for equity in our business in the form of stock or some other form of equity like percentage of income or gross net sales. A fundamental benefit of this type of the equity financing is to define in that location is no monthly payment requirement to investors. Instead, we are giving up ownership interest, most often, permanently. Furthermore, the traditional lenders, banks for example, will look at our business much slightly different than venture capitalistic. Bankers wan t a zero-risk or near-zero risk position when they provide financing and will rely almost completely on the operating economics of the business with little regard for potence future ripening.Thus, they want to see difficult cash flow backed up by hard assets before they do a sell with the ingredients that most small business lack or they wouldnt be seeking for financing. Eventually, the venture capitalist is on the other hand which they tend to consider the management team and the potential future growth of the business more heavily than actual operating numbers, especially for those with small business with large potential but few sales and little or no operating history. Although these two types of lender is transform in their approaching to analyzing a business for funding, we can also be sure that careful trial of our business will be conducted.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Nonprofit versus For-Profit Healthcare and Organizations Essay
AbstractThis paper explores articles and query conducted on not-for-profit versus For-Profit Health pity and Organizations. There are three types of entities that own hospitals, which are nonprofit organization, for-profit, and organisation. However, it cant be determined if they specialize in different medical assistant or how their service scratch affect certain specializations. More than likely, the for-profits offer profitable medical services that benefit the organization, which would lead to swear that the nonprofits are in the middle, leaving the government with offering the unprofitable services. The for-profits are also quite antiphonary to the changes associated with service profitability than the nonprofit or government entities.Therefore, it would be necessary to evaluate the value of nonprofit hospital possession and differentiate between the service offerings amongst the hospital types. Looking into the ways that for-profit hospitals make profits, it would be nece ssary to take into reflexion the geographical location versus the well insured citizens that are located at bottom the area. This paper also looks into the assumption that all general hospitals are relatively alike in the services provided, regardless of ownership. but also that these entities would vary in their patient mixture. In my research, this paper is for the intuition of profit making and to hold in the idea that for-profit healthcare and organizations are more than opt to decide on which medical services to offer based on the service profitability.In our country nonprofit hospitals bet for a study portion of the urban areas, while the remainder being for-profit or governmental ownership operating under different intelligent rules. When we evaluate the amours associated within the healthcare industry, we must take into consideration the value it has on todays society and economy. This issue has been heavily debated in that there bear been raising questions as to t he fact of the similarities between non-profit organizations and for-profit organizations. In analyzing these issues, it must also show relevance as to the accountability of the evidence and material that supports the policies regarding ownership.From our standpoint here in the United States, hospitals take the foremost credit as being the largest healthcare organization in the country. When we look into classification however, it can be notable that private hospitals have the ability to be classed as for-profit or non-profit organizations due to independent regulatory rules that split up the two. From a non-profit standpoint, these type organizations are not required to pay sales, income, or property tax.And to further introduce the non-profit organizations, it is within reason to understand that they were established with the intention of providing specific social services to meet the of necessity of poor citizens. For this reason, is why not-for-profit healthcare and those hosp itals and organizations that are associated within its boundaries are exempt from paying taxes. This is a major factor as to how and why these type organizations operate. When realizing the importance of non-profit healthcare and organizations, it is fair to say that although they are deemed to be prestigious organizations, they are often not regarded as such.For-profit, nonprofit, and governmental organizations operate under different legal rules. These rules would explain how profits are shared and distributed to shareholders in for-profit organizations, and how government and nonprofit hospitals are tax exempt. Although these rules impingement operations, they provide the basis as to the similarity in healthcare services rendered contracting with the same insurers and government payers operating under the same healthcare regulations and employ with similar if not the same training and estimable obligations.Just because an organization may be for-profit, does not mean that they traditionally provide lower select services and higher costs. However, in some cases where this is a factor, it causes a change in operations in that it creates a negative effect on the availability of healthcare. Nonprofit organizations such as hospitals, often jump to for-profit due to the issues related with their financial instability to operate in that status and remain open. This change allows them to cleanse their financial standings, reduce Medicare costs, and generate higher revenues. It also allows the investors and shareholders to have a bigger impact on operations and funding.Due to the rising high costs associated with healthcare, the United States has had an increase in the amount of nonprofit healthcare organizations converting over to for-profit. Since those changes have been made, it has allowed more facilities to remain open, continue offering healthcare to citizens, and functioning to service communities. This also shows face as to why and how nonprofit health care organizations offset costs by charging more to their patients that have the ability to pay for services. On the other hand, for-profit healthcare organizations exploit these means as a profitable turnkey business necessity.However in this case, it makes the profits visible which in turn carry costs down for all patients, and not differentiate between social status. In conclusion, when evaluating avenues for improvement of the financial and operational mathematical process of nonprofit healthcare organizations, it is impertinent that these organizations monitor the contributions required to be made in order to operate under the tax exempt status. When this does not occur, is when fines, closures, and investigations take place ultimately contribute to additional costs and substandard performance.Just as well when evaluating avenues for improvement of the financial and operational performance of for-profit healthcare organizations, it is impertinent that the options provided to citizens covered by healthcare plans, are up to standards. In doing so, they are provided the better(p) care at reasonable costs due to donations, stockholders, and board members that have a particular interest in the care of the citizens which reflects on the success of the organization and the level of care given.ReferencesAnika Clark (2012). Nonprofit vs. for-profit health care Debate hits home. ONLINE Available at http// Last Accessed Nov. 20, 2012. Steven Hill (2011). Non-Profit vs. For-Profit health care How to get through the Looming Battle Over Cost Control.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Fluency in a Foreign Language Essay
Thesis suaveness in a external oral communication should be required for all students before graduation from mellow school.Introduction In a humanness of advancing technology and higher education, it is imperative that students take the sentence to develop uncommon talents and skills in show to gain a competitive edge oer the average individual.I. blandness in a alien lyric poem builds feature.A. The time and commitment required from students to learn an entire spic-and-span alphabet and phraseology builds diligence. B. The act realized by students as they begin to under deliver and converse in a second oral communication produces confidence. II. Fluency in a foreign manner of speaking builds life skills.A. The ability to converse stillly in another run-in with an entirely y starthful realm of deal builds communication skills. B. The readiness to alternate amidst linguistic communications with family and friends builds flexibility skills. III. Fluency in a for eign oral communication creates unique opportunities. A. Fluency in a foreign talking to gives unique traveling opportunities. B. Fluency in a foreign diction creates unique job opportunities Fluency in A Foreign Language Should Be Required For All Students onwards Graduation From High SchoolIn a world of advancing technology and higher education, it is pivotal that students take time to develop unique talents and skills which will give them a competitive edge all over the average individual. Though many doubt the ability of smoothness in a foreign language to advance students in society, tunees, educational systems, governmental offices, and health care departments are all eager to make students with skills in foreign languages. As globalization becomes more prevalent, foreign language skills are quickly adequate a vital factor in preparation for the future. Fluency in a foreign language should be required for all students before graduation from high school.First of all, fluency in a foreign language builds purpose. The time and commitment required from students to learn an entire new alphabet and vocabulary builds diligence. According to Walter Pauk, a prominent professor of education at Cornell University, developing an open mind to new phrases and grammar structures along with finding the time required to practice them are two difficulties commonly encountered when studying a foreign language (Pauk 2). Young mindsets are impressionable, and habits are installed early on as students begin to give way and incorporate grammatical structures particular to their mother tongues. In order to break these habits, students in foreign language study must forever open their minds to accept new rules that are introduced. While relearning and sounding go forth basic vowels, students must excessively adjust to sentence patterns that have been completely inverted.Students learn to invent expeditiously with limited time allowances available between their bu sy schedules of daily life, striving to move beyond erstwhile learned language habits. Distractions are pushed aside as students repeat new sentence patterns, rewrite new alphabets, and reread literature that seems to make no sense. The Department of Education from the University of Pennsylvania reports, The nature of language concentration teaches students how to stick to difficult tasks. This diligence translates to better per ruleance on exams, beca use students will be more in all likelihood to persist on challenging problems (in White 2). Regardless of how difficult a task appears to be, students who have master another language view the situation simply as one giant project to be conquered bit by bit. Constant and sincere effort spent learning a foreign language produces a firm determination in students to persevere and achieve their set goals.While the important character trait of diligence is being formed through foreign language study, the achievement realized by student s as they begin to understand and converse in a second language is also producing a separate character trait of confidence. Introductory lessons in a foreign language start out as seemingly impossible to master, yet in due time begin to make sense. earnestness escalates as the brain starts functioning in another language and continues beyond the first few lessons alone. Dincay, a professor at Istanbul argonl University, notes, the feeling of acquirement that comes with students first steps toward a second language ordure spur them on to a deeper and broader passion for learning in general (Dincay 1). Students who obtain an expertise direct in foreign language carry that same capability acquired first through language studies over into other realms of life, producing able results beyond areas concerning language alone.In her article, Benefits of Being Bilingual, Marcos writes, Studies suggest that persons with full proficiency in more than one language (bilinguals) outperform si milar monolingual persons on both verbal and signed tests of intelligence (Marcos 1). Proficiency in a foreign language develops a needed sense of accomplishment in students, enabling them to move on and conquer other tasks and responsibilities with rare poise and fortitude. They realize that opposed monolinguals, their lives are not confined to one culture alone, provided can easily extend to involve an dumbfounding realm of people throughout their lives. Fluency in a foreign language builds character traits such as diligence and confidence, both needed in daily life yet firm to produce.Secondly, fluency in a foreign language builds life skills. The ability to converse tranquilly in another language with an entirely new realm of people builds communication skills. Students unfamiliar with another democracys language will find it more difficult to understand and accept the specific guidelines associated with the language however, as Ting-Toomey, professor of Human Communicati on studies at California State University, writes in her book, To the native speakers, the rules of their language make perfect sense and are naturally more logical than those of any other languages (Ting-Toomey 86). Fluency in a foreign language carries students far past the simple phrases of Hello, How are you, and I issue you, and allows them, like the natives, to converse comfortably through a completely foreign vocabulary and grammatical set-up. in one case students comprehend and begin to intelligently utilize a foreign language, they are able to understand and connect to the society and culture in a way that many never will.Ted Ward, Dean of International Studies and Missions for a time at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, writes in his book that a highly competent level of foreign language skill allows students to conceive ideas and communicate them in a way that is synchronous with those of the people of the host culture (Ward 154). Whereas monolinguals are often confi ned to the society of others who speak their language, students bland in a foreign tongue are free to get involved in a second world. Benefits produced from the time and effort spent in mastering another language include filling out visa forms, reading public newspapers, and ordering from local restaurant menus with ease. Teaching, debating, and participating in discussions with words and phrases making the almost sense to native speakers are yet other privileges opened up to students with foreign language skills. on with better communication, the readiness to alternate between languages with family and friends builds flexibility skills. Bhattacharjee, author of the article Why Bilinguals Are Smarter, states, In a bilinguals brain both language systems are active even when he is using only one language, thus creating situations in which one system obstructs the other (Bhattacharjee 1). Students must constantly determine which language their listeners will understand and recall the correct words and grammatical format to use with that particular language. Though it might seem terribly overwhelming at first, Bhattacharjee concludes that this interference . . . isnt so much a handicap as a blessing in disguise , . . . forcing the brain to close internal conflict, giving the mind a workout that strengthens its cognitive muscles (Bhattacharjee 1-2).Students fluent in a foreign language respond immediately to one picture, sentence, or idea with two answers from two different languages. sometimes one particular language carries a better explanation or definition than another, and for the student fluent in a second language, the opportunity is open to decide which language better suits certain situations. Definitions go beyond one explanation alone, and society life is extended to two worlds rather than one. Students can be taught, or teach others from two vastly different spheres of humanity and not be overwhelmed.Third and finally, fluency in a foreign language c reates unique opportunities. Fluency in a foreign language gives unique traveling opportunities. While discussing various advantages given to foreign language students, Dincay shares that although thousands of people gain from their travels crosswise the globe each and every year, it is the bilingual students, particularly, which receive the much broader traveling experience. While everyday tourists delay simply outsiders peering through a glass into another countrys unique culture, those familiar with and fluent in the native tongue are able to step beyond that glass barrier and bang their visits with full easy and liberty (Dincay 2). Whether visiting historical landmarks, using public exile systems, or obtain in local markets, students fluent in the foreign language of the country are not certified to taking pictures, relying on others directions, or following suggested prices.They may raise questions over history, follow posted transportation signs, and bargain for better va lues. Fluency in a foreign tongue gives traveling students an opportunity to stand out with something special that most tourists cannot claim. In his book Why freedom fighter Should Learn Foreign Languages, Huebener states, The American businessman who can speak the foreign tongue fluently and who can make intelligent comments on the art and literature of the country will gain not only the business but also the respect of the person he is dealing with (Huebener 46). Tremendous time and energy are required to reach fluency in a language, and communicate incredible care and consideration to the countrys citizens as the student is seeking to enter their world and communicate with them on a much more intragroup level than sign language alone. Many societies take great pride in their native language and culture and when another individual has developed a firm knowledge and understanding of it, the natives, in turn, form a strong appreciation and respect for these students that many out siders have not taken the time to earn.Fluency in a foreign language does not only create unique traveling opportunities, but also gives unique job opportunities. As the world advances in higher education and technology, men crosswise the globe are seeking to make resources available to all. As one director in the spirit for Applied Linguistics shares, The need for individuals who can speak and understand languages other than English is acute . . . from business and social services to national security and diplomacy (Malone et al. 1). A stronger focus on internationalism is emerging, making interaction with people from different linguistic backgrounds inevitable.Washington State University advertises a brochure that considers careers such as government, business, law, medicine and health care, teaching, technology, the military, communications, industry, social service, and marketing to be promising fields for students fluent in a second language, namely because an employer sees th em as a bridge to new clients or customers (Knowing Other Languages Brings Opportunities 2). Students fluent in a foreign language can easily connect businesses with customers from a wide stray of linguistic backgrounds and handle international business without hiring outsiders to translate. Proficiency in a second language is a skill envied and sought after by several employers as they seek to hire a supply to serve and elevate their organization to its maximal potential.Fluency in a foreign language should be required for all students before graduation from high school. The advantages produced from foreign language fluency are incredible and the opportunities limitless. Students are set up for successful futures in modern society as they leave high school and transition into the career world as young adults, able to communicate freely and work confidently in global communities around the world. The foundation laid is vital for young people handout out to begin their adult lives in todays world.BibliographyBhattacharjee, Yudhijit. Why Bilinguals Are Smarter. The impertinent York Times. The impertinently York Times, 17 Mar. 2012. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. Budig, Gene A. Foreign Language Study Vital to U.S. Students. Lawrence Journal World (8 may 2010) SR12. Web. 9 Oct. 2012. Dincay, Turgay. Advantages of Learning a Foreign Language at an Early Age. at presents Zaman. Todays Zaman, 25 Nov. 2011. Web. 9 Oct. 2012. Hawkins, Eric W. Foreign Language Study and Language Awareness. 1999 124-42. Web. 2 Nov. 2012. Huebener, Theodore. Why Johnny Should Learn Foreign Languages. Philadelphia Chilton Company, 1961. Print. Knowing Other Languages Brings Opportunities. New York Washington State University, n.d. Foreign Languages and Cultures. Washington States University. Web. 4 Nov. 2012. Malone, Margaret E., et al. Attaining High Levels of Proficiency Challenges for Foreign Language Education in the United States. Center For Applied Linguistics, 2005. Web. 2 Oct. 2012. Marcos, Kathleen M. Benefits of Being Bilingual. Center For Applied Linguistics, n.d. Web. 09 Oct. 2012. Pauk, Walter. Studying Foreign Languages. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 13 Jan. 2012. Web. 7 Oct. 2012.Ting-Toomey, Stella. Communicating Across Cultures. New York Guilford, 1999. Questia.Questia. Web. 2 Nov. 2012.Ward, Ted W. Living Overseas A Book of Preparations. New York Free Press, 1984. Print. White, Mercedes. Language Immersion Classrooms Programs Are Popular, Diligence Translates to Performance. Deseret News. Deseret, 29 Jan. 2012. Web. 1 Nov. 2012.
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